Project Leto Kina
Visual brand identity, logo design, merchandizing, print materials
CD / Andraž Filač, Koen Van Daele
AD&D / Andraž Filač
BVSS 06 Finalist
BVSS 06 Special Mention by the Jury
Leto Kina is a yearlong project for the 90th anniversary of the cinema at the Kolodvorska Street in Ljubljana. The challenge was to find an element common to the cinema, film industry and the genres at Kolodvorska cinema through all the years.
The idea for the graphic design is based on perforated tickets and 35mm camera film. The used element is easily applicable on all advertising media, signage, as background for photographs, articles, leaflets, advertisements, invitations, exhibitions, and other materials that were done for the project. The element unifies the appearance, which was a challenge especially when using historical material. The fuchsia color of the logo resembles erotic genre which was the main theme for years at Kolodvorska.